About Kohistan Al Amin Bus Service:
Al-Amin bus Service a public transport provider, having its main terminal and headquarter at Faisalabad. Al Amin is operating from Faisalabad covering three major Cities i.e. Haripur Hazara, Abbottabad and Mansehra having its business in three different provinces (KPK & Punjab).
The main terminal is located at the kohistan bus service, which is situated at railway road. We are serving from last 20 years. It is one of the best service from Faisalabad to Mansehra, Abbotabad.
Cities Covered
Experience in Field
Booking Seat
Reservation over the phone. You can reserve your Seat by calling on below number & details will be sent on your Mobile Number.
Luggage up to 30 Kg. is allowed per ticket. Excess luggage shall be charged as per company policy.